Throwback to Track & Know’s final event

Early November, Track & Know’s final event took place during the European Big Data Value Forum 2020 conference. Track & Know was involved in 4 sessions during this 3-day flagship event of the European Big Data and Data-Driven AI Research and Innovation community organized by the Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and the European Commission (DG CNECT).

With a central theme “Building a strong European Data and AI Ecosystem”, the EBDVF 2020 edition brought together European communities on AI and Data. The event also focused on how Data and AI can help to tackle emerging societal challenges, like those brought by the Covid19 pandemic. 

Would you like to take another look at our presentations? Or did you miss a session? The recorded sessions are available online now. 

Parallel session on European Big Data Research for industry. 3 projects, 7 sectors, 9 applications, 41 software components. Now what? 

The Big Data research projects Track and Know (Big Data for Mobility Tracking Knowledge Extraction in Urban Areas), BigDataStack (High performance data-centric stack for Big Data applications and operations) and I-BiDaaS (Industrial-Driven Big Data as a Self-Service Solution) hosted a joint session bringing together their findings in terms of barriers to adoption of Big Data research in different sectors as well as in terms of  current and future impact of their research.

Speakers also elaborated on the concrete business questions that have been answered in the project pilots. For Track & Know, Toni Staykova from UKeMED was a member of the expert panel.

Sponsor talk Track & Know – Big Mobility Data Integration platform – approach, development and application. 

This presentation by Marios Logothetis from Intrasoft International aimed at presenting the Track and Know project platform and at sharing and showcasing a robust and scalable platform for mobility data. The presentation included screen shots/demo of the T&K Big Data platform.

Evaluation schemes for Big Data and AI Performance of high business impact.

The first part of this session focussed on Big Data Benchmarking landscape and Big Data Pipelines. Athanasios Koumparos from Vodafone Innovus presented the Track & Know project, its challenges and results. This session was also the closing event of liaison project DataBench. 

Application Track 3 – Transport, Mobility and Logistics – Main session 

The transformation of the multimodal transportation ecosystem is happening now – changes are rapid and involve all modes of transportation. New players use the power of real-time data to offer personalized door-to-door travel and logistics services. At the same time there is an expressed need for an economical, flexible, safe, and more sustainable way to get from A to B by road, rail or water – using all available innovative ways since:

  • in most EU countries entrants are challenging the existing transport practices and services naming them as unable to fully satisfy a never-ending demanding audience;
  • providers leverage the use of mobiles to create new relationships with travelers;
  • societies have to reduce their CO2 footprint, thus, sustainability becomes an important additional aspect of mobility and our mobility concepts;

Big Data, Data Issues and Artificial Intelligence can play an important part in achieving this vision. Yannis Theodoridis from UPRC joined this session with his presentation which is entitled ‘Learning from our movements’. He elaborated on the T&K objectives, datasets and toolboxes.