Find out everything about our Track & Know pilots! Thanks to the Big Data Pilot Demo Days series, a collaboration with BDV PPP projects I-BiDaaS, BigDataStack and Policy Cloud, Track & Know had the opportunity to present its pilots during 1-hour webinars.
Fleet management services: Quality and predictions in location data from GPS devices (July 7th, 2020)
Insurance Sector: Using mobility data to understand and mitigate risky driving behaviour (July 14th, 2020)
Health Care Service: Using patient mobility information to understand the provision of services across large rural and urban communities (July 16th, 2020)
Big Data Pilot Demo Days series (June-July, 2020)

This series of webinars aims at showcasing the implementation of the Big Data technologies in the pilot studies and their applicability to an ever wider scope. The webinars will demonstrate the actual solutions implemented performing big data operations and applications to interested end-users from industry as well as technology providers for further adoption in their own solutions and projects. The projects will jointly illustrate how they contribute to Europe’s digital future.