Sorbonne Université

With more than 35,000 students, 100 laboratories and 3,500 doctoral students in science and medicine, UPMC is one of the leading French universities (The university is now part of Sorbonne University). According to the 2016 Shanghaï ranking (ARWU), UPMC is the 1st French, 7th European and 39th university worldwide.

UPMC is involved in numerous European and International partnership agreements and has France’s largest scientific library and infrastructures. With over 400 million Euros allocated to research and 6,600 publications per year (approximately 10% of the French production), UPMC is a major player in international knowledge and innovation economy, as evidenced by its many international awards and medals. UPMC has also adopted the European Charter for Researchers and the code of conduct for the recruitment of Researchers. UPMC European Affairs office, which is in charge of the EU projects at UPMC, has managed so far 150 FP7 and 70 H2020 projects, as coordinator or partner and will manage all the financial, administrative and legal aspects for the UPMC participation in this project.