National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”

NCSR “Demokritos” is the largest self-governing Research Institute under the supervision of the Ministry of Development of the Greek Government. NCSR will participate in the project with the Complex Event Recognition group of its Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications. NCSR has coordinated and participated in numerous national and EU projects and NSF projects, and has very substantial expertise in the areas of machine learning, event processing, and reasoning under uncertainty.

The Institute of Informatics and Telecommunications (IIT) of NCSR Demokritos focuses on research and development in the areas of Telecommunications, Networks, Web Technologies and Intelligent Systems. The main strategic objective of IIT is to excel in research and innovation required for the development of the knowledge society. The Complex Event Recognition (CER) group ( of IIT works towards advanced and efficient methods for the recognition of complex events in a multitude of large, heterogeneous and interdependent data streams. In particular, the group is developing novel CER methods, which take as input, streams of low-level events, e.g. sensor-based events, such as a change in temperature, and combine them to infer complex high-level events of interest, such as the start of a fire incident or a fault in the cooling system of a vehicle. The approach is primarily based on the Event Calculus, a simple logic-based formalism that supports effective reasoning about complex events. In addition to its formal semantics, this approach has allowed us to develop efficient real-time recognition methods, as well as to combine logic-based with statistical reasoning, in order to handle the inherent uncertainty of most event recognition applications. Furthermore, it lends itself directly to the development of machine learning methods for acquiring logic-based event descriptions from data.