On June 17, Royal Papworth OSA service and Cambridge Medical Academy team (as project partners of Track & Know) organised a network lunch session to engage with stakeholders. The event was held at Cambridge Biomedical Campus (UK).
The seminar attracted new stakeholders for feedback and further project engagement, such as an Operations Manager of OSA ( Obstructive Sleep Apnea) sleep services, a CPAP ( Continuous Positive Airway Pressure)
practitioner (OSA therapy machine), a Philips (CPAP manufacturer) Clinical Services Manager, a Public Health /IHR, R&D Manager Cambridge University Hospitals, Engineering Department University of Cambridge, an NHS project manager and a Psychology researcher University of Cambridge.
Valuable feedback was received for the service optimisation concept, with additional suggestions for transferability of the results to several other domains in health care. Support has been offered for the further development of the OSA risk map and the analysis of actual demand based on existing data. The dashboard development triggered a productive discussion and further user requirements were identified. The feedback on the concept of the driving profile study was very positive.